We have empowered men and women experiencing homelessness to rebuild their lives since 1942.

Request a Speaker

Learn how your church, organization or family can join us in the fight against poverty and homelessness in the Northlands area. Request a speaker to discuss how you can join the Northlands Rescue Mission team of volunteers and donors who are meeting the needs of men, women and families in our community who are hurting.

To request a speaker, please call (701) 772-6600.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in…”
- Matthew 25:35

Are you a Faith Entity?

Faith Entities may come and share God’s word through...
Bible Study
Worship Services
Recovery Worship
Special Services
Holiday Services


We depend on compassionate volunteers to keep our doors open and ensure our clients have access to critical services! Whatever your interests are, we'll find a volunteer opportunity that fits you. To get started, fill out the form(s) below and we'll be in touch!
Dining Services
Help prepare and/or serve a meal, organize the pantries, assemble food boxes, and more!
Rescued Treasures
Sort clothing and hygiene products, help clients find items they need in our Rescued Treasures "thrift store!"
Work Projects
Keep the Mission in tip-top shape by assisting with special projects like painting rooms, gardening, and more!
Special Events
Help with a variety of duties at fundraising events, including the Mission 5k Fun Run, golf tournament, and auction!
Host a Food or Item Drive!
Gather friends, family, or coworkers and collect much-needed items, including food, winter gear, hygine products, and more.
Sign up for specific Volunteer Slots using This Form
Recurring opportunities include serving a meal, organizing the food pantry, and sorting clothing & item donations