Your support Gives men, Women, and Families Experiencing Homeless
Hope and a Path to Housing.

Your donation creates a safe, empowering environment for our clients. Thank you for making real change possible.
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
- Revelation 3:20
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Client Stories


"Maybe someone can relate to my story."


“The Mission helps you if you want to help yourself. I show them that I’m willing to do what it takes to get housing."


"The minute I saw the apartment, I knew I wanted it."


"Now I have a smile on my face every day, and I am just living."


"I am going in the right direction. It's going to take a little time, but I believe I can get there."

Kevin, Dominic, Alec

What happens when once isn't enough?


“Man, you all did a lot for me. I had a lot of nervousness. But you really helped me out a whole bunch. Thank you so much.”


“At the Mission, they treat me well. They’ve given me a roof over my head, they’ve given me breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Everyone has treated me with decency and respect.”

Reverend Joe

“The real and original Founder of the Mission is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ.”


“It was just warm enough not to freeze. I had no blankets…nothing.”

Kenny & Sonia

“Ever since I’ve been clean and sober, a lot of doors have opened up for our family.”


“So, I asked myself…do I want to live like this, or do I want to plant a new tree?”

Heather & Adam

“We lived in a campground for like 3 months. Then we lived in a motel for a month and that kind of ate up our money.”

Troy - Part 2

“One morning I woke up and thought to myself, ‘I can’t do this anymore’. I knew…it was live or die.”


“I want to succeed. Everyday I’m grateful. If you start your day off positive, there’s a pretty good chance something good will happen.”


"I am and will forever be grateful to the staff at Northlands Rescue Mission."

Travis - Part 2

"If I had kept going with the life I was living, I would probably be dead. Now, I’m looking forward to the future.”


“I think I will stay in this place. The people here are very nice.”


"I appreciate all the help. It’s a blessing.”


“I’m hopeful. I have a roof over my head. I’m getting food. I’m surviving, and there are a lot of people out there who are not. I just thank God for the people who are willing to help.”


"One thing I can say…each day gets better and better for me.”


“I want to be a counselor to help addicts. That’s my goal.” (Jason is achieving his goals - watch his video at the bottom of this page to see how!)

Travis - Part 1

“You make small goals and work toward bigger goals, and you’re going to see results.”


“I try to help out when I can. Whatever I can do. I don’t take this place for granted.”


“It’s the only shelter I ever will be at. I will succeed here. The way I look at it, this is lifesaving for me.”


“I get along with just about everybody.”


"It seemed like every step I took, I was taking two back. Just trying to get my life back."

Dave & Lisa

"We're on our next step to finding a place. It seems like everything is moving forward now."


"I'm just thankful that there is a place like should be an opportunity to step forward..."

Troy - Part 1

“People need to be in stable environments, and that’s what this place has provided for me.”

Video Testimonials

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